Fresh Flix is a dynamic movie database I made with a group of two others. Using The Movie DB's API connection, this React Application dynamically updates to show the most up to date data dependant on the user's filtering options. A user can filter movies by 'popular', 'top rated', 'upcoming', or movies 'now playing'. A user can also favourite movies that interest them, those movies are stored on their local storage and displayed to them on the 'favourites' page.
This project began with a simple wireframe which I then made into a high-fidelity mock-up using photoshop. Using Invision, I then turned my mockup into a prototype. Below are the original mockup designs:
This project was done in a group with two other students. Although they had also made mockup designs and prototypes for a Movie Database, we all agreed to use mine. This project challenged our understanding of both React and Github as we were all new to both tools. I helped the group make a development plan, organizing the project into smaller, easier to manR5T56age tasks; this allowed us to properly prioritize tasks that either seemed large or more complicated than others.
Below you can see some code I used to create the favouriting functionality:
As I mentioned earlier, our new Github skills were put to the test in this project. We began overly cautious, making a local copy of our work every time we went to merge for fear of losing anything. However, as time went on and we figured out our rythm as a team with Github, it became easier and easier to deal with the occasional merge conflict or accidental merge to the master.
This was the first major project that I worked with a team on, and although there was some added complication with sharing our work via Github, once we figured that out, the ability to collaborate, share ideas, and see my design grow with their input was very rewarding in the end. I'm very proud of this site. Please enjoy!
Spring Fever is a JavaScript card matching game with a twist. Instead of flipping cards to match, you're matching blooming flowers. This project was done early on in the FWD course but is still one I am proud of since I made everything.
The design process for this project was a little more simple than the others, I had the idea of blooming flowers instead of flipping cards and drew a quick wireframe on paper:
I began this game after only being in the FWD course for a month. We were required to create functionality to switch between screens with no browser redirection, track the player's name and score, and include a help modal that changes depending on the screen the user is currently on. The challenge seemed daunting at first but as I started working, I discovered how exciting it is when some functionality finally works!
Below you can see some of the code I used in my game:
When we were first given this project it felt almost impossible that we'd be able to begin creating a game within our first month; our projects before this point had been HTML and CSS with minor JavaScript functionality. However, once I started building the game and functionality, I discovered that the problem solving and the feeling I got when I solved that problem, were a lot of fun and I even found myself waking up in the middle of the night to try a solution to a bug that I had thought of in a dream!
This project is still far from perfect, there is a bug that haunts me to this day that I work on every now and then, but I am still very proud of it and like to look at it to see where I started and how far I've come since.
This Portfolio is to showcase my projects and skills in Web Development. In this project I used a base of PHP, SCSS, Javascript, and HTML. My portfolio has had many faces since I began learning these new skills, and it will likely have many more in the course of my career. Read more to see some of the other faces...
The original portoflio I graduated my Web Development course with was VERY different from the portfolio you see now. I spent a lot of time on trying out different functionalities and ended up with a product that didn't feel authentic to me. Click here to see the original:
Creating a design that felt authentic to me took a lot of trial and error. There were many designs that I liked but were ultimately scrapped because something didn't feel right while I was developing them. Here is an example of one of the other designs I created:
Once I created this design, the development was easy because I knew exactly what I wanted to do at each point. I decided to use PHP files instead of HTML in order to organize my code. In order to have full control over the functionality and design of my site, I opted out of using wordpress or any libraries.
This project has reminded me that when it comes to personal projects, it is important to listen to my gut and to keep pushing until I'm happy with the finished product. I do, however, understand that this project is far from finished; as long as I'm growing and progressing, so will my portfolio.